M178 - landsknechts Captain
ref. EK Castings Zinnfigur - M178 - landsknechts Captain
M178 - landsknechts Captain - mid XVI
The English army of Henry VIII replenished mercenaries not for the size, but for the sake of owning a certain type of weapon. In England there was a sufficient number of pikemen and arquebusiers. Detachments of German mercenaries, professionally owning these weapons, participated in all the continental Henry campaigns.
Captain clad in an expensive, burnished with white stripes polished steel infantry poludospeh as put on the mail. Burgonet helmet on the head with movable naschochnikami and visor, decorated with ostrich feathers. By short raspberry green pants sewn green stockings. Over his right shoulder tied red cloth scarf, symbolizing the dignity of an officer. Besides the sword captain armed with a spear with a red brush and leaf-shaped steel tip.