M98 European Knight late XIIc
ref. Military toy figure M98 EK castings M98 European Knight
EK castings - European Knight late XIIc
In the late 12th - early 13th centuries chivalry began to flourish as a military force. The rulers of European states all the conflicts between them preferred to decide by force of arms. The war did not stop even during the "universal peace," the Pope declared. In addition to military action in Western Europe, the Knights are actively involved in the conquest of Asia Minor and the liberation of the Holy Sepulcher.
The basic protective equipment as a knight mail (haubert). Mail coif and mittens are associated with a single chain mail armor. Mail stockings (highway) worn separately on each leg and straps tied to his belt. Protects the head cylindrical hat with a flat top, and face mask is equipped with slits for breathing and observation slits. Shield - arched almond reinforced wrought iron plates (drawing pads such later became the basis for some of the family coat of arms).
At the end of the 12th century among the Western European armies spread over the manner of wearing chainmail cloth cape - Kott or surcoat. Long-tailed cotta arbitrary or stamp of flowers with different heraldic emblems and symbols of a half century ahead determined the appearance of the European knight.