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M220 - viking jarl

M220 - Viking Jarl

ref. EK Castings Zinnfigur – M220 - Viking Jarl

EK Castings  - M220 - Viking Jarl, IX-Xs
Vikings - warriors and pirates, who lived on the territory of the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe since the end of the VIII to XI century. In search of prey, they raided the coastal settlements throughout Europe, reaching as far as Spain, Italy and Byzantium.
Jarls / Earls were the most wealthy and influential part of the Scandinavian society. These were the leaders of the tribes, the leaders of the troops Vikings kings and governors, who owned and ruled the vast territories. Earl usually had with him a small retinue of loyal warriors who are ready to fight for it. When the earl decided "to go to the Vikings," ie, "a journey in search of wealth and glory" that his campaign and joined many free men, drawn by greed and adventure.
Rich Earl is expensive, good-quality weapons and armor. Vendel helmet on his head, equipped with a half-mask with nanosnikom. The dome is decorated with the crest of the helmet with a ridge having a front and back of the head flying. Brow ridges are decorated in the animal style. Crown and frame bars are also decorative engraving. All decorations are made of bronze helmet with silvering and gilding.
This helmet as additional protection could be provided with a metal naschochnikami and mailed barmitsa or steel plates to protect the neck. Luxury helmets Vendel era (.. Ca. 550-800 years) appeared before the Viking Age (ca. 790-1110 gg..), But could be part of the rich equipment soldiers - hersirov, earls and kings.
Other safety equipment includes chain mail shirt and a round shield, decorated with typical Scandinavian design. By the belt hung a long knife-Saxon. Sheath sax made of leather with a rim of gold-plated bronze.
The sword is the most expensive and prestigious weapon. Top blades imported from the Frankish state, and handles were made in Scandinavia. Overall sword length was about 90 cm. The sword was expensive weapons that are very dear to the Vikings, gave him a resounding name and hereditary. Sheath and guard decorated copper, gold and silver, and coated blades runami. Mecham appropriated sounding names, such as:. "Gold handle", "getters", "Vomiting chain mail," "Long and sharp" Sword Viking epoch considered animate object, endowed with magical properties. Speaking of swords, the soldiers used a colorful and poetic names: Flame Odin Ice Battle, Snake Wounds Dog Slam Battle Snake, Fire Shield, Horror Kolchuga, Nogent Language Fire Marine Master.

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