M92 - Hallebardier suisse, XVs
ref. EK Castings M92
EK castings M92 - Hallebardier suisse, XVs
At the Battle of Morgarten November 15, 1315 the newly formed militia alliance of three Swiss cantons (Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden) defeated the Austrian army under the command of the Habsburg Duke Leopold of Bavaria. Simple infantry from peasants and townspeople have effectively used the highlands and the suddenness of the attack against the heavily armed mounted knights.
On the head infantryman iron Chapelle most simple form, put on top of the hood. On the woolen shirt stitched white identification cross. On the belt Swiss Army knife and an ax, used for the regeneration of the camp and other works. Highway consist of two separate stockings, untied and lowered below the knee. Halberd simplest form.